Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Hungry, Hungry Hippos

There is so much to write about today - our first Christmas!!!!!

The kids woke up with a bang - tons of gifts from Santa and maybe one or two from Daddy or Mommy. They got elmo and cookie monster dolls, books, potty chairs, doodle boards, and special shirts from a Harley store!

Then it was off to Grandpa & Grandma Betty's house for brunch with them, aunt, uncle, and 2 cousins. TONS more gifts from everyone there too.

Today was such a beautiful day, that all the kids and grownups got to go outside to play. Wow what a treat after being cooped up inside for so many weeks now in the cold and/or snow! We all loved it, some little boy got their pants all muddy, but it was worth it!

After all that excitement, it was home for a quick round of naps and to gather up for the next stop at Grandma & Papa's. Again, more gifts and more playing with cousins, aunt, uncle and of course Jake the cat who loved every minute of it I am sure! What a great dinner and yummy cookies to finish off the day.

The most amazing thing out of today was R's obsession and LOVE of the hungry hungry Hippo game we got one of their cousins for a Christmas gift. I have NEVER seen that boy so obsessed and into something for as long of a time as he did today. I should have bought them one as well. It was absolutely amazing - he would cheer whenever his hippo got a marble and I think he also loved playing with his older cousin! E loved it too but was not near as into it or dedicated as R! I guess I'll know what will be on our next shopping list at Toys R Us!

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